Connect Card

If you have questions about ICF or want to connect with the fellowship in a deeper way, we would love to hear from you! If you plan to worship with us or have already visited a few times, you can fill out our connect card so we can know more about you. Or, if you simply want to know something about who we are and what we do, click here to ask us a question.


We believe in prayer, and we would be honored to pray for you. If you have a prayer need, you can click submit a request. You can make a note if you'd just like for the elders to pray over your request, otherwise we will share it as part of our weekly prayer email. If you're interested in receiving that email so that you can pray for others, simply click sign-up for email.

Ministries and Groups

There are a number of ministries and groups that regularly meet outside of Sunday mornings.

Christian Women’s Fellowship

Our hope is that we can encourage and come alongside one another as we seek to thrive in the lives God has called us to in Nicaragua.  Let us together find nourishment and refreshment in fellowship.

For more information please contact: Andrea Baker | 

Weekly Ladies Bible Studies

The meetings are during the NCA school calendar year with informal get-togethers during the summer months. Normally, a 10-week study is chosen by the group each Fall and Spring, that includes a workbook and a DVD lecture if available. It is a wonderful opportunity for enrichment through prayer and fellowship, especially for women who are new to Nicaragua and desiring to make connections.

Youth Group

Nica Youth Group is a shared ministry between NCA International and International Christian Fellowship Managua. We meet at NCA International during the school calendar year (August - May). Youth Group is open to any students between the 6th and 12th grades in Managua. We have four regular events:

In addition to these regular events, we have a Middle School Retreat in April and a High School Retreat in May.

For more information please contact: Andrea McFall | 


When does ICF worship? We worship every Sunday morning at 8:30 am. Worship services usually last about 90 minutes.

Where does ICF worship? At Nicaragua Christian Academy International, which is located at Km 11.2 on Carretera Vieja a León in Managua. The building we meet in is called "The Eagle Center." Visit our homepage to view a map.

What does an ICF worship service look like? We usually begin our time by singing together, which will include songs both old and new. There is an 'emcee' who welcomes everyone and announcements are shared by the council. Later in the service, a sermon of 30-40 minutes is preached by one of our elders. Meanwhile, kids (birth through 5th grade) head to "Children's Ministry" for an interactive, age-appropriate lesson led by trained volunteers.

Is the anything for my kids during worship? Right before the sermon begins, children ages birth through 5th grade are dismissed to a separate area for a time of worship, learning, and activities. This Children's Ministry time lasts until the worship service is over, at which point kids can be picked up by their parents. On the first Sunday of each month, Children's Ministry is only available for ages birth through kindergarten.

What does ICF believe? ICF is an interdenominational fellowship that believes that God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to live a perfect life yet die a sinner's death. Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven where He reigns forever. Anyone who puts their faith in Him, and Him alone, has eternal salvation. For our full Statement of Beliefs, you can visit the Beliefs section of our "About Us" page.

What sacraments/ordinances does ICF practice? We share in the Lord's Supper once a month and we also baptize professing Christians.

Still have questions? Let us know here!