Our Mission

International Christian Fellowship is an interdenominational, English-speaking church that is committed to loving Christ, His Word, His mission, and one another for His glory.

Our Vision

Reaching and strengthening English-speakers with the Gospel.

Our Values

Our Beliefs

Leadership Team

Elder Board


Our History

In July of 1994, two families, the Palmers and the Kitchen-Allens recognized the need for an English evangelical ministry in Nicaragua and agreed to begin meeting on Sundays at 8:00 am for worship. The first Sunday there were seven adults and teenagers in attendance. Each Sunday the attendance grew as new families and individuals joined for worship and fellowship.

By the spring of 1995 there were several families meeting regularly. It was obvious that this ministry was meeting a real need for the English-speaking community of Managua. These families represented a cross section of the English-speaking community; missionaries, diplomats, school teachers, and business people. Soon it was necessary to develop a more formal structure for this growing congregation. An ad-hoc committee was formed to suggest a church structure. After much prayer and discussion, the committee wrote a mission statement, objective, and designed a simple structure for the congregation now called the International Christian Fellowship. Rev Jim Palmer was formally asked to serve as pastor in a volunteer capacity and a church council was elected.

The church soon outgrew the small school chapel where it had begun and moved to temporary facilities in the Baptist Mission Offices. That space also proved to be too small and the church moved again to meet in the auditorium of Accion Medica Cristian. In the fall of 1995, the congregation began a children’s Sunday School Bible class, started outreach Bible studies, as well as developed several community service projects. It became apparent that the church must seek more permanent and adequate facilities.

In March of 1997, the church moved into the facilities of Nicaragua Christian Academy. Having more permanent facilities allowed the church to begin to focus on outreach and other ministries and to seek more permanent pastoral leadership. Rev. Steve Waecher assumed pastoral responsibilities beginning in January, 1998. Since that point ICF has been blessed to have had a number of qualified individuals serve as pastors: Rev. Jim Muse, Rev. Scott Martin, Rev. Ray Smith, and Rev. Mike Havlin.

In 2009, ICF formed an elder board, consisting of three to five elders. The current elders and council members are listed here. In the fall of 2013, ICF moved into the newly built Eagle Center, still on the campus of Nicaragua Christian Academy.